Frequently Asked Questions

Simply give us a call or complete the request a quote form on this website. We'll answer all of your questions and provide a competitive quote.

Absolutely not! We wouldn’t want pushy sales people coming to our house so we would never do that to you. You can get a quote and book your cleaning right over the phone. 

Cleaning supplies are included. We will bring everything needed to make your house sparkle. If you have products that you prefer we use, just let us know and provide those products on the day of cleaning.

Please get in touch with us right away and we’ll make arrangements to rectify the situation. We have a satisfaction guarantee that we stand by.

We don’t guarantee same-day bookings. But, depending on the day, we can often meet this requirement.

It’s completely up to you. If you’re not going to be home, make sure you let us know how to access your house by putting the information in your customer file.

Yes, most of the time. However, we allow a one-hour window due to traffic and weather circumstances. In scenarios where your cleaner will be late, you will be contacted to let you know the ETA.

You are not charged until after the cleaning has been completed. 

No, you can cancel service anytime without any penalties. You don’t have to commit to any contracts or a pre-determined number of appointments.

The cleaners go through a screening process that includes a police background check, reference checks, and in-person interviews. We also require significant experience in residential house cleaning to work with us. Lastly, we carry liability insurance and all employees are bonded.

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